Making things look good is just the beginning. Attracting people to your website and providing them with a great user experience is our speciality. Every one of our projects is individually designed, cleverly marketed and built for performance. Everything we do, we do it with superior craftsmanship and absolute passion. We build clean and usable websites that are fully compliant with the latest web standards and provide a great customer experience.

Nowadays every business needs a website to promote their service and products worldwide. AnalyseIT understands your needs and provides a complete web solution for your business.

We specialize in developing responsive websites that look and perform great on any device from smartphone to tablet to desktop. In today’s connected world, a website that adapts to your user’s device and needs is a must. We specialize in developing with WordPress, the most popular web publishing platform in the world – used by major websites and Fortune 500 companies.

Why we use WordPress

WordPress started out as blogging software and we’ve used it for quite a while to build blog websites. A few years ago, however, enough features were added to allow for building full blown sites on it. So now this is among the most effective solutions for building a website.

  • User Friendly
    • You can manage your own site in about 20 minutes. Enough said
  • Open Source Software
    • Software that is free to use and manipulate is even better
  • Community Support
    • WordPress is fast becoming one of the most popular CMS software platforms around. It’s constantly being developed and improved by a passionate community (at least 3 major updates per year)
  • Standards and SEO
    • A site built on WordPress is as solid a foundation as a website can be. It follows the rules and makes the search engines happy
  • Plugins
    • If you need special functionality, there is probably already a plugin for that purpose. And if not, it’s easy to build one
  • One Click Updates
    • Right from the administration area… two clicks away
  • Easy Themes
    • Everything we do is custom, however, there are thousands of free themes out there.